- Premium Domain
- Premium Website
- Premium SEO
- Premium Social Post
- Premium Email
- Premium DNS
- Premium SSL
- Premium Server
- Premium Protection
- Premium Traffic
- Premium Speed
- Premium Assistance
- What Is A Premium Domain Name? A premium domain name is a high-quality domain that investors often buy and sell with the aim of making a profit. These names have a variety of qualities that allow them to outperform others in the key function of a domain, helping users find the website they're looking for. (Google)
- Premium domain names are short, catchy, memorable names that are already registered to a person, entity or organization. The cost of a premium domain can range from a 3‐figure number to a 7‐figure number, depending on the demand. (GoDaddy)
- We all would like our customers, clients, and whoever is interested in the subject to find our website quickly. The key for this desire is the domain name. To avoid misspelling, forgetting the domain name we need the following: Short, easy to remember, finding quickly by the search engines domain name. These principals will determine whether the domain name is premium or not. However, these principals are subjective, therefore there is now definite description of premium domain, but all of us agree there is a point when we can call a domain name premium domain. E.g., The domain name of Quality Domain & Product Agency is qdpa.com. It is short, easy to remember, that makes it Premium Domain. (QDPA)
- Premium email will give you access to features that enable you to work more efficiently. These features will enhance your security, give you more storage, allow you to recover data you've lost, and stop spam and viruses from entering your inbox, to name a few. (Google)
- The following limitations apply to Professional Email accounts:
- A premium or professional email address shows that you have a website, you have a reference of your profession. E.g., info@qdpa.comis indicating that qdpa.com is a website. Most websites contain detailed information about the business. It is better than a Client Information Sheet (CSI) or Know Your Client (KYC), or a business card. The fact that the whole World is in our hands in the form of smart phone changes everything we knew about business. We all need to keep up. (QDPA)
Premium DNS (Domain Name System) offers more power and flexibility than the standard DNS functions. Listed below are the features of Premium DNS and their functions.
- “Premium SSL certificates” are distinguished variants of the standard SSL certificate. They are specially designed for securing e-commerce websites and come packed with enhanced features and additional benefits. (Google)
- A Premium Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate is a digital certificate issued in conformance with the extended validation guidelines defined by the CA/Browser Forum.
The introduction of Premium Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates will tighten the security of Internet transactions as certificate requestors will be subject to a thorough, standardized vetting process which all issuing Certification Authorities (CAs) must adhere to.
The Premium Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate standard provides an improved level of authentication of entities that request digital certificates for securing transactions on their websites. The latest generation of Internet browsers will display Premium Extended Validation (EV) SSL-secured websites in a way that allows visitors to instantly recognize that the organization that operates the site has been authenticated in accordance with the CA/Browser Forum's uniform vetting standard.
Premium Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are particularly useful for companies whose Internet domains are considered at a high risk of being targeted by phishing schemes and other types of Internet fraud. High-risk domains include domains owned by high-profile online financial services, banking sites, auction sites, popular retailers and other sites that conduct Internet transactions likely to be targeted by Internet fraud. (GoDaddy)
When you don’t have an SSL certificate a window pops up when someone is visiting the website with a message that your website is not secure, your information could be compromised, even your financial data can be stolen. Not a pleasant message, you definitely don’t want your customers to read this kind of message on your website. (QDPA)
- Premium Servers were game lobbies that could only be accessed if you had an active Ultra/Hero rank on Mineplex or if you were in a party and the leader had an active Ultra/Hero rank. (Google)
- GoDaddy's VPS & Dedicated servers provide the power and flexibility needed to host your websites and applications. (GoDaddy)
- When it comes to your investment into your digital appearance you must have flexibility, capacity, and everything you can use for safe and smooth operation. (QDPA)
- Website security is vital to keeping a website online and safe for visitors. Without proper attention to website security, hackers can exploit your website, take it offline, and impact your online presence. (GooGle)
- GoDaddy offers different levels of Domain Protection so you can choose which option works best for you.
You might see some domains with other Domain Protection names, like Full Domain Privacy & Protection or Ultimate Domain Protection & Security. These are our legacy protection offerings, and you'll see them stick around until the associated domain is canceled, expires or the Domain Protection is downgraded. (GoDaddy)
- Your domain is the key to your website. Although authorities do everything they can to keep the internet safe, but you can’t do enough to be safe. I hope you never experience a cyber-attack, however, you have to do your part as well. (QDPA)
- What is good website traffic? It's hard to pinpoint what exactly is “good” or “bad” website traffic numbers, but generally, 50% is considered good website traffic and anything below 30% is considered below average. (Google)
- You've heard the phrase "Location, location, location!" and its importance when shopping for business real estate. The same applies to the placement of your website on search engine result pages. According to research, the higher your site is listed as a search result, the more traffic you're going to get. Quality traffic means increased revenue and more publicity. Search engine traffic can lead to an organization’s success or failure. The goal of SEO is to land your website in the top few pages of search pdat results page. This is not easy. It takes a lot of time and constant tweaking to increase your search engine rankings. (GoDaddy)
- We agree, get your website to the top level of the SEO and keep it there is not easy. Most likely this is the point where you should leave this for the professionals. You are good in your business, keep mastering that part, the details of digital marketing should be run by professionals. We hope you understand the concept, and when you hear about it you don’t have a problem with the subject. (QDPA)
- What is good performance speed for a website? Research recommends that your website provide visual content within 2 seconds from the user trying to access the site. If possible, the site should be interactive within 5 seconds. Using Google's 0-100 scale and the key metrics mentioned earlier, it becomes possible to provide an aggregate view as well. (Google)
- To test your website's speed, it's a good idea to make sure it's not just your local internet that's causing the issue. By using website speed tests, you can verify other connections are having similar issues. (GoDaddy)
- Although maintaining a website shouldn’t be your job, however, you should double check the performance of your website. Checking the speed is a simple task. You can find websites to check your speed for free. Do your homework periodically, and report to your IT if you are not happy with the performance. (QDPA)
- It takes time to satisfy all of our customers. We prioritize our customers based on the level of service they pay for. Someone who purchased the premium package does not have to wait in line to receive attention. This is an additional way to reward our loyal clients.
And all of these for 5 years!
- Every year we all have to pay for renewal of the domain, the server, the hosting, the SSL, etc. Our Premium Package includes these fees for 5 years. All of the services we offer in this package is paid for 5 years.
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